This past Sunday, we heard the Gospel of the rich young man—an encounter where Jesus challenges him with words that echo in our hearts today: “Go, sell all you have, and come, follow me.”
A word struck me deeply as I reflected on this passage: surrender.
Now, I’m no Bible scholar, but this isn't just about selling possessions or giving to the poor. It’s a call to something deeper. Jesus is asking, "Will you surrender everything to me? Will you trust me with your whole life?"
It’s a question not just for that young man—it’s for each of us. Whether it’s our possessions, our money, our health, our career, or even our loved ones, Christ asks, Do you trust me enough to place them all in my hands? Even when He may ask us to do something radical with them, something that defies our own plans?
Nothing we have is truly ours, but is a gift we entrust back to God.
This kind of surrender is hard, but it’s also freeing. When we surrender, we let go of the weight of control. We acknowledge that Christ knows what’s best for us, and in doing so, we open ourselves up to His grace. And grace, like water, always flows to the lowest point—it fills the places we empty for Him.
Living a life of surrender doesn't mean a life of loss, but a life of trust. It’s believing that, even when we can’t see the whole picture, Christ is working for our good. He is faithful, and He will never abandon what we place in His hands.
So today, let’s take a moment to ask ourselves: What am I holding onto that Christ is asking me to surrender? And am I willing to trust Him with it?